Physio & Acupuncture
Gennai is a highly experienced and passionate Physiotherapist, Medical Acupuncturist, and Exercise Specialist.
Mission: To empower individuals at the prime of their life to stay active and pain-free through a holistic approach to movement and wellness.
Almost 20 years of experience in the NHS and Private Hospitals
UK-registered Physiotherapist
Qualified Medical Acupuncturist
Certified Exercise Specialist
Being a lifelong fitness enthusiast herself, Gennai understands the importance of maintaining good joint and muscle health for a fulfilling life. She combines her extensive knowledge with a compassionate approach to help patients achieve their mobility & wellness goals.
Services offered:
Physiotherapy treatment for various conditions
Medical Acupuncture for Pain Management ; Health & Wellness
Personalised exercise programs to improve strength and mobility
Posture MOT
Home Visits around SW London & Surrey
Visit Gennai's youtube channel here for expert tips and advice